13 Mar 2024

Smart Electric Heating controls

Choosing the best smart electric heating controls is just as important as choosing the right heating system. Controlling your electric heating more effectively will save you money, reduce C02 and increase the comfort of your home.

How can smart thermostats help achieve net zero energy in your home?

One of the key technologies that can help you achieve net zero energy in your home and save on your bills is a smart thermostat, control is a critical factor in achieving energy efficiency. Only Smart (ie. WiFi connected) electric heating systems allow complete control of each radiator, area, floor or multiple properties. Some premium solutions, such as our iSense range, enable customised programming, smart assistants, occupancy and open window detection, and even self-learning – all from a mobile app or your pc. 

‘Control’ is so important that an advanced Heating Management System (HMS) can cut bills by up to 30%. (E.ON, July 2023)

In a newly announced Government scheme having energy-saving materials or devices installed in your home will positively impact UK households and the country’s net zero goals by making all heating controls, including smart heating controls even more affordable, ensuring you’ll see a faster return on your initial investment. Read on to find out more about the Government scheme.

Energy is valuable, do not waste it!

We believe our connected heating solutions offer the best smart heating controls on the market. The IntelliHeat smartphone app enables customised heating program schedules, alerts and commands – anytime, anywhere. Features also include daily heating schedules, frost protection, and ‘holiday mode’ to ensure heating is on prior to returning to the property.

When a window is opened, our iSense Smart radiators sensor will detect a significant drop in temperature and switch to frost protection mode. The iSense Smart radiators also offer PIN code lock, providing additional security for social and private rental housing, HMO, Hotels. 

iSense can also provide automated learning. By monitoring your heating use, the times of day you use your heating, and your preferred room temperature, the system can automatically adjust and synchronise your heating. Settings can be protected to prevent access to your programmes.

Derek Scanlon